E’ stato pubblicato il primo Report di monitoraggio effettuato dal GREVIO sullo stato di attuazione della Convenzione di Istanbul tra i Paesi sottoscrittori.

Tra le menzioni di best practices è citato anche il nostro progetto UNIRE, grazie all’interlocuzione avuta con GREVIO nell’ambito del monitoraggio svolto sull’Italia.

Di seguito, l’annuncio e il link per scaricare il Report

“We have the pleasure to inform you that today, GREVIO published its 1st General Activity Report, accounting for its first four years of monitoring work (2015-2019). This report is the first to offer insights into the trends and challenges in the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. Explaining its mandate, composition and working methods, the report demonstrates how, as an independent monitoring body, GREVIO has joined the ranks of other global and regional women’s rights monitoring bodies and mandates. It has become an important voice in the area of preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence”

Website of GREVIO’s General Activity Report